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Animation of coaching movement - Coaching degrees

Subjectivity and entrepreneurship animator

To be awarded the title of the Animator one must participate in a 64-hour training. During the training participants gain knowledge in the scope of intentional creativity and methodology of subjectivity training. This knowledge is useful in group work but most of all it supports continuous learning process and development.
As a result of the training its participants gain practical methodical skills in the scope of group work ? awareness of group process, learning the ideas of subjectivity education and personal development within the area of awareness of values, emotions, recognizing own resources, predispositions and shaping the creative attitude.
Additionally, Entrepreneurship Animator has the possibility to extend his/her knowledge in the scope of entrepreneurship and innovative management.
Having finished the training, each participant is obliged to watch workshops that are being held as well as co-host two of them. Apart from that, before taking the examination, each participant should present his/her original exercises - in case of a Subjectivity Animator, whereas in case of an Entrepreneurship Animator the additional element is a project of his/her own enterprise.
The Animator?s qualifications are awarded by a commission board consisting of three people and they are valid for three years. An Animator?s degree is a basic degree required to gain further coaching degrees.

Junior Coach

To receive the title of the Junior Coach it is necessary to have the Animator?s title for at least a year and to be able to document coaching work in the amount of 300 didactic hours. Additionally, the candidate applying for a higher coaching degree is obliged to take part in a 36-hour workshop on the methodology of group classes and prepare a workshop scenario related to the topic. Another task is to organize and hold a workshop watched by a supervisor. The title of Junior Coach is granted by a commission board after an exam in the scope of methodology of work with the subject. The title of the Junior Coach is a confirmation of obtaining the ability to broaden and enrich people?s field of consciousness and entitles the coach to hold workshops with a trainee. Coaching qualification is valid for three years.


To be able to apply for the Coach title one must have the title of Junior Coach and a minimum 2-year experience. Additionally, each person applying to receive a higher coaching degree should be able to document coaching work in the amount of at least 500 didactic hours. Getting to a higher coaching level is possible after a previous presentation of one?s individual workshop in the scope of subjectivity concept, presentation of personal output at the Coaches conference as well as participation in the Faculty of Subjectivity (Katedra PodmiotowoĊ›ci). All these activities are evaluated by the coaching board that grants the title. The person holding a Coach title specializes in sharing knowledge and abilities in a chosen field of consciousness.

Coaching Consultant

To apply for the title, one must be a Coach with a minimum 3-year experience. The coaching board grants the title having evaluated and accepted original achievements in the scope of ideas or methodology of subjectivity education, printed in a form of an individual work. Coaching Consultant is the highest coaching degree. People with this title, apart from developing their competences, have the possibility to develop the field of consciousness of other people.