Makary Stasiak - strona prywatna polski english
Publications - Subordinate - directed management


The subjective approach treats a company as an autonomous subject trying to survive in a game with the environment. The result of such a game may be better or worse. While in the objectivist approach the analysis of a company aims to answer the question whether this company is organized in accordance with the rules or regularities of a particular economic sphere, the subjective approach enquires predominantly about the quality of the company's interaction with the environment. Possible answers to the latter questions fall within the sphere of reflection on how to improve functioning and ensure better results in the game with the environment.

Within Organisational Studies the objectivist approach looks for the rules of the proper functioning of a company, thereby consolidating the existing structures and preventing change. By contrast, the objective of a scientist adopting the subjective approach is to change the company, its structures and the way it functions, through innovations that increase the company's profitability. The former preserves the status quo, whereas the latter stimulates development.

A reflection on the evolution of a company focuses on designing its future, which is then formulated in the form of a strategy. In the subjective approach a strategy is a set of ideas intended to increase the company's profit, i.e. its level of autonomy. The company is supposed to function more effectively in consequence of the changes given in the strategy and implemented afterwards. Questions are asked about the change in the company's interaction and its internal re - organization that will introduce creative acts into the repertoire of the company's functioning. In the subjective approach the objective of the company's strategy and of designing its creative development is to design the ways of introducing incidental and intentional creativity.

General description of the procedure leading to formulating a strategy